Online Support Meetings
You are not alone. Talk with us.
We are living with prostate cancer. We know what you are going through. In our monthly online meetings, we offer help, hope, and perspective to men with prostate cancer, their families, and friends.
You've just received a diagnosis? You are anxious? Confused? Scared? In the Newly Diagnosed group, Ira Kaget and Dr. Charles Metzger, men with long years of practical experience with prostate cancer, talk directly with you about your specific diagnosis and options, so that you become empowered to be an informed advocate for your own treatment.
Advanced/Recurrent Sharing
4th Tuesday of the month
5pm - 7pm Pacific Time
The Advanced/Recurring forum is intended mainly for talking about advanced prostate cancer - cancer that is recurring, resistant, or that has spread outside the prostate.
Although the conversation deals mainly with advanced stages, many people at all stages of the disease find it instructive and reassuring to hear about the impressive advances in management and treatment being made all the time.

Many of these meetings now begin with a brief visit from a guest expert who updates us on advances in research and treatments for Prostate Cancer. You'll find their presentations in the Fireside Chats library.

Learn to Take Charge of your Prostate Cancer
Prepare to be helped! The Newly Diagnosed page tells you how to prepare for the meeting so that you get the most out of it even on your first visit.

These meetings help each of us become more educated about our disease and so we become better able to exert greater control over it. But the meetings are more than that. You will find that others do care, and the meetings are an opportunity to help deal with your anxiety, your fear, your pain, while becoming better informed medically.
In a Safe Place
In a safe, caring place, we all have an opportunity to openly share our experiences, our concerns, ideas and questions. The Prostate Forum of Orange County neither supports nor endorses the positions or opinions of individual attendees, and of course personal attacks or disparaging personal remarks are not tolerated. What we do offer is an open forum where, within limits, various viewpoints are presented. You can speak freely.

We are all volunteers, helping one another. You can help too.
Volunteer: we can always use help running the Forum - organizing, writing, notifying, maintaining the site, editing videos, reaching other men. Let us know if you can contribute your expertise, talents, energy or time.
Donate: No one is paid but we still have expenses, for memberships, for services, for mailings, and so on. Your contribution, online or by mail, is needed and welcome.
Share: Join us in meetings, tell us how you are doing, what's working for you; let us know if you have found some new or interesting resource, something that will help our understanding and treatment of prostate cancer. Subscribe.
Each meeting begins at 5 pm and generally continues for about two hours, but the meetings are informal; you may join at any time. We listen, suggest, and share, but we do not offer medical advice: that is the role of your personal medical team.